Københavens Universitaet - (KU)

Københavens Universitaet
10 Norregade,
DK- 1165 København,
Main Website - www.ku.dk
The organisation - The University of Copenhagen is the largest
institution of research and education in Denmark. The Christensen group, responsible for the teaching of and research in
Chemistry at the University, maintains a wide breadth of experience in organic synthesis and the use of dendrimers, and has
worked closely together with Dr Donald A Tomalia from NanoSynthons LLC for the past 5 years. At present, the group works on
projects involving optical Near Infrared-based glucose sensors, innate fluorescence in dendrimers, the use of dendrimer-encapsulated
metal nanoparticles for catalysis, synthesis of inhibitors for bacterial efflux pumps and synthesis of dendrimers themselves.
Associate Professor Jørn B. Christensen is a specialist in organic synthesis and dendrimers, having published work in areas
ranging from organic superconductors over biosensors to dendrimers. Of two monographies on dendrimers that he has co-authored, the
work entitled 'Dendrimers in Medicine and Biotechnology' (2006) is widely considered the introductory textbook to the biomedical
applications of dendrimers.
Professor SM Moghimi is a Professor of Nanomedicine and the Head of the Nanomedicine Research Group at Copenhagen. He has pioneered
research in design and surface engineering of nanoparticles and functionla nanosystems for parenteral site-specific targeting and
imaging modalities as well as the molecular basis of nanomaterial cytotoxicity and adverse immunological reactions.
Main Personnel Involved
Assoc. Prof. Jørn B. Christensen, Prof. S.M. Moghimi, Dr. Johannes Petersen, Dr. Søren Leth Mejlsøe, Dr. Mario Ficker